


假如你正在考慮購買或出售一处房产,你一定會遇到了很多房地產術語或行話。 有些術語似乎可以不言自明,但大部分會让人十分困惑。為了帮您排憂解難,下面 是一些常用的術語及其简单易懂的解释:


过渡性贷款: 通常情況下,这是专门为房主出售现有房产前购买其它房产时提供资金。將目前的房屋用於擔保貸款。由于MidPeninsula的房地產市場十分火热而且变化很快,因而过渡性贷款变得越来越受欢迎。


房屋买卖历史对比:这个术语用于描述在確定房屋銷售價格和房屋價格評估时對比类似房产的價格 。最近售出的在位置,住房面积,家庭規模,房产年齡和生活福利设施方面類似的房产,将其信息收集分析来确定评估價格其它类似要销售房屋的价格。要設定一处房产“出售”的價格,賣方的代理人将会做出市场调查(CMA)通過比較分析 來確定一處房產的合理市場價格。


DOM:在市时间。這可能會造成给你造成困惑,因為如何才能精确的计算一次銷售行为的開始和結束时间呢?开始时间是該物業被列到多重上市服務系統(MLS)(在这里可以鏈接到MLS,當報價被接受时即视作結束。托管结束(定義見下文),可能需要花费更長的時間。上市时间(DOM) 在这栋房屋重新掛牌後会重置(雖然MLS將記錄这栋房屋所有的交易歷史信息)。DOM是衡量特定財產或地理區域的实际需求的一個指標。




第三方托管: 在物業销售完成前,中立的第三方(既非買方代理商也非賣方代理人)將暂且保管所有的資金,文件以及完成此项交易的其它材料。當銷售完成,也叫托管结束,資產将会按照事先确定的有法律效力的合同条款分别移交给买卖双方。託管流程的目的是在在房地產交易过程中保護雙買方和賣方的利益。




場外市場,私人或口袋交易: 這些房产只是在房地產代理商处售卖,但沒有公開宣傳或在多重上市服務系統(MLS)登記,這是房地產經紀人交流有關房屋出售信息的主要媒介 。場外市場掛牌限制了买家的规模,但是给卖家带来了很多好处,包括隱私,減少準備時間和成本,在公開上市之前測試市场反响。


資格預審和貸款預批:資格預審 是貸款人用來估算有意的买家的借貸能力的一種過程。此類評估主要基於買房方提交的個人信息,因此並不具有法律約束力。相反,當你有貸款預批 , 這就意味着貸款人通過仔細廣泛的核查已經了解了你的財務背景及目前的信貸評級。之後貸款人就會給你出具書面的有條件的承諾書,發放一定數額的貸款,不過貸款利率在不同時間都會不一樣。在競爭激烈的市場中,貸款預批往往要比資格預審有用得多。



How Can I Increase My Chances of Winning in a Multiple Offer Situation?

How Can I Increase My Chances of Winning in a Multiple Offer Situation?


According to the 2013 Housing Market Survey presented by the Silicon Valley Association of Realtors, 70 percent of properties sold last year had multiple offers. That is the highest rate in at least the last 15 years. (link to this article: http://www.mercurynews.com/business/ci_24309947/sales-1-5-million-plus-homes-are-rise)


If you’re looking to buy a house on the Midpeninsula, you don’t need a study to tell you that competition for homes as fierce as it’s ever been. Some homes have had 20 or more offers! That leaves at least 19 very unhappy, empty-handed bidders. So how can you increase your chances of being the lucky winner in a multiple offer scenario?


While none of these are guaranteed, the following advice can help you move to the top of the pack:


Bid over asking price—but be smart about it.


A frequent strategy among realtors these days is to price a property below market value to generate a lot of interest and excitement among buyers. The intent is to create a situation in which multiple offers will come in and a bidding war might break out.


Sometimes selling agents will specify a date that their clients will “accept offers” and they will accept the best offer that is made that day. Other times, agents will be willing to go back and forth between the seller and buyers negotiating the best deal.


It’s important to understand how the seller’s agent operates so that you can devise the best offer strategy. If you think you’ll get a second chance to raise your offer, you might not need to make your best offer right away. However, if the seller’s agent is only giving you one shot, you should think hard about how much you want the property and make the highest offer you feel comfortable with.


It’s easy to get caught up in the emotion and want to do whatever it takes to win. No matter how much you want the house or how much competition there is, be sure to make an offer with your head, not your heart, so that you don’t end up with buyer’s remorse and a big mortgage that you can’t afford.


Make an offer with few or no contingencies.


The most attractive offers have few or no contingencies. This means that you need to have your financing in order and be pre-approved for a loan, or if you’re in the position to pay cash, even better.


If possible, sellers like to see the appraisal contingency waived. In these dynamic times, appraisals often don’t keep up with the skyrocketing value of homes and banks won’t make loans amounts for over the appraised value of a home.  A good agent can help you find an appraiser who keeps up to date with the very latest in home values, but the appraisal for the home you want may still come in under the agreed-upon purchase price.


If this happens, and you’ve waived the appraisal contingency, you must come up with the extra cash to make up the difference, or you are at risk to lose your earnest money. Caution must be exercised when waiving this contingency.


Another type of contingency is the inspection contingency. Many times a seller will have inspections done and available to review before you make your offer. If it makes you uneasy to accept the seller’s inspection reports, you can ask to arrange to have your own inspections done prior to making an offer.


And that old contingency that allows you to sell your current home before committing to the purchase of a new home is practically extinct. In this hot market, sellers don’t need to wait around—there are too many buyers. If you need the equity in your current home to purchase a new home, it’s best to either sell it first, before you start your search for a new home, or secure some bridge financing that will enable you to make the down payment before you sell your current home.


Make sure you are working with an agent with local knowledge and experience who is respected by her colleagues in the real estate field.


An agent who knows the local market will not only be able to guide you to properties that fit your needs and are within your budget, but she will be able to help you understand how much you can afford and strategize exactly how to put together an offer that gives you the best chance of winning. An experienced agent can suggest lenders and help you get pre-approved for a loan. She can go through the disclosures and note anything that is unusual or that might be a red flag where a contingency might be advisable.


A very important aspect that most buyers would never consider is the reputation of their agent among her colleagues. Agents like to do business with other professionals who are likeable, detail-oriented and who have integrity. These qualities ensure a smooth transaction, which is pleasant and easy for the seller’s agent. You may think that a very forceful agent will work in the best interest of her client, but sometimes a buyer’s agent who is very aggressive may actually repel seller’s agents and be a detriment for her clients. Real estate agents are people, too, and we like to do business with people who we enjoy and who we can trust. I have seen deals in which the best offer did not win because of the harsh nature of the buyer’s agent.


In this hot, seller’s market there is no secret to making sure that your offer is the winning bid, but there are a lot of things within your control that can help you improve your chances.



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